Search results for References by bishop, j.m.
Stratford, K.J.; Guerier, A.S.; Crawford, S.J.; Stratford, S.M.C.; Schmidt-Kuentzel, A.; Bishop, J.M., 2021. Female southern white rhinoceros can select mates to avoid inbreeding. Journal of Heredity 2021: 385-390 - doi:10.1093/jhered/esab028


Cotterill, F.P.D.; Taylor, P.J.; Gippoliti, S.; Bishop, J.M.; Groves, C.P., 2014. Why one century of phenetics is enough: response to 'are there really twice as many bovid species as we thought?'. Systematic Biology 2014: 1-41


Guerier, A.S.; Bishop, J.M.; Crawford, S.J.; Schmidt-Kuentzel, A.; Stratford, K.J., 2012. Parentage analysis in a managed free ranging population of southern white rhinoceros: genetic diversity, pedigrees and management. Conservation Genetics 2012: 1-14


Coutts, N.J.; Bishop, J.M.; O'Ryan, C.; Rachlow, J.L., 2007. Absence of inbreeding depression despite unprecedented scale of demographic bottleneck in white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum). Proceedings of the Congress of European Society for Evolutionary Biology 11 (Uppsala): 33


Coutts, N.J.; Bishop, J.M.; Rachlow, J.L.; O'Ryan, C., 2007. Where's my mummy? Evolutionary and conservation implications of calf swapping in the white rhinoceros. Proceedings of the Congress of European Society for Evolutionary Biology 11 (Uppsala): 47
